Stories and News

We offer an array of content to explore, including these stories from around the country sharing trusted practices found in indigenous cultures, in modern universities, in long experiences on a particular property, and in innovation by first-generation farmers.

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Partner Spotlight: Mary Sketch Bryant

The focus on regeneration is crucial. According to Mary, the idea of regeneration goes beyond the soil component. It is about building more life into something. “We have such diverse partners, and we do not have a comprehensive definition for soil health. Rather, it is what a partner brings to the table that is important, for each has a different, though corresponding, definition...

Tracking Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration: The Satellites Are Coming!

OpenET uses NASA satellite data (including things like leaf temperature, leaf size, and solar radiation) along with meteorological, soil, and vegetation datasets, to provide readily available satellite-based ET estimates for the entire western United States. You see a map, in familiar Google Earth layout, and can zoom all the way down to field scale, reading ET estimates for millions of individual fields or at the quarter-acre resolution of satellite data.

Rangeland App: Modern Tool for Grazers

Rangeland managers, whether grazers or wildlife conservationists, have many decisions to make about vegetation in their fields and the soil sponge that the vegetation covers. The Rangelands App website tools make managing pastures as easy as a few clicks.

Regenerative Journeys