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We offer an array of content to explore, including these stories from around the country sharing trusted practices found in indigenous cultures, in modern universities, in long experiences on a particular property, and in innovation by first-generation farmers.

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Voices from the Field Logo

LISTEN: The PLFA Soil Test

In this episode of Voices from the Field, Kara Kroeger, a sustainable agriculture specialist with NCAT’s ATTRA sustainable-agriculture program, talks with soil specialist Lance Gunderson about the PLFA soil test. The conversation is the…
Voices from the Field Logo

LISTEN: The Haney Soil Test

In this episode of Voices from the Field, Kara Kroeger, a sustainable agriculture specialist with NCAT’s ATTRA sustainable-agriculture program, talks with soil specialist Lance Gunderson about the Haney soil test. They discuss the history…

Regenerative Journeys