Stories and News

We offer an array of content to explore, including these stories from around the country sharing trusted practices found in indigenous cultures, in modern universities, in long experiences on a particular property, and in innovation by first-generation farmers.

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unhealthy soilNCAT

UN Drought Toolbox: Tools for Producers, Land Managers, and Scientists

By: Hernan Colmenero, Sustainable Food Consultant  The UN Convention to Combat Desertification has released its Drought Toolbox, which contains an abundance of useful information for producers living through a drought. The toolbox includes…

Measuring Water Retention Through Soil Carbons

By Hernán Colmenero, Sustainable Food Consultant Have you ever thought, “how much water am I saving by starting a rotational grazing plan?” “Can cover cropping increase water retention in my soil, by exactly how much, and is it worthwhile?” These…

NCAT Webinar Series Addresses Advanced Grazing

By Justin Morris, NCAT Regenerative Grazing Specialist, and  Lee Rinehart, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist  Did you know that the most important livestock on your farm are the ones you never purchased and, in most cases, have…

Regenerative Journeys